5th February 2011

It was my second brother's wedding.
it was soooooooooo full with people!
even dalam cuaca panas terik, ramai yg datang
Alhamdulilah.... tidak la membazir kalao ramai yg datang
makanan pun sume habis.
we are very grateful that everything went smooth that day. ;) thank God.
theme for the wedding???? caca merba. sume kaler ader.
hahaha! still it looked nice, bak kata cikgu Daniel adie. ahahaha
tq Cikgu Hamdi kerana sudi dtg dr jauh2, and sori sebab suruh u tolong buat cabutan bertuah tu. patutnye tetamu x buat kerja. ahahaha. sorreh yep!
Cikgu Hamdi ni la yang abeskan ayam goreng kenduri aku!
ok! now lets the pictures do the talking:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
imported artist ;p
family belah emak. from Kuala Kangsar
sorry, not so much pictures of the bride, we just leave it to the photographer.
this is when, im in charged distributing the cabutan bertuah gifts for the ahli rewang. heheh
semoga berkekalan yaw!
jiran yg dihormati dan di kasihi ;)
the night before the rest of my cousins and uncle/ties went home
i know my face looks weird in this pict. but since i rarely put make up on, i just uploaded it, in case u bum into me next year when im wearing make up and walk like a model. (hell yeah. in my dream)
these are my boyfriends. :P
u just have to wait for the next entry okay ;p
p/s: are you afraid of the dark? by Sidney Sheldon. He knows how to deliver magic in his writing. clap2
I amek 2 ketol ayam je tau...
bdw, ayam tu siyes mmg sedap!
kalah ayam KFC...
nipu bebenaw kalah kfc!!!
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