hi sume~~~~ it has been ages aku x hapdet blog. hihi
selama ni dok jd silent readers, baca blog org, teringin plak nak wat new entry.
so, this semester i have to go through with the practicum thingy.
i have been given SMK Seri Kota as the place to 'sacrifice' my self. seriously.
hahaha. but now, started to lovin it.
the reasons why i go to school everyday are because my students.
even though u r facing a very tough working environment, but, when u see ur 'children' there, waiting for you to give all the information and love that they need, u will feel like u r indeed an important person.
i dont care if they even hate me because im so strict and garang like hell to them, but one day for sure, they will remember me as Teacher Nadzrah who shouts like a crazy woman. hahaha!
im sure they will remember also, all the ketuk ketampis that they have to do everyday.
Hey my fellow students!
forgive me for my voice that makes your ears hurt,
forgive me for all the punishments,
forgive me for all the wrongness that ive commit,
but u know, i do all of it because i do care about you...
urs truly,
Cikgu Kenet.

cekgu nadz aka cekgu kenet!!!
wlcme back!!
hihi! tenkyu!!!
Nadz!!! ajar aku camne nak marah budak.Aku tak sampai hati nak marah diorang.Hahaha
oh baru aku perasan gmbr last sekali ada student kau macam bapok.hahaha
kalo ko betol2 care pasal dorang, ko xkan ade masalah tuk marah dorang. haha
mesti ko x cukup care ni
haah, dak tu lembut sket. member2 die panggil die baby. hoho
happy jadi cikgu.. ^__^ seronok bila baca blog cikgu.. baru aiz tahu how teacher life.. ^__^
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hehe... bukan snng kan jd cikgu
tp dlm dunia ni mana de keje senang
^__^ memang semua keje ade dugaan.. tapi aiz suke tengok keje-keje seperti cikgu.. ^__^ tanggungjawab besar.. ^__^
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