dah tgk New Moon
tayangan 1st kat BP
ramai dok berebut nak beli tiket
x dpt yang pertama beli! huh
nice story.
ikut sebijik macam buku!
just it is more detail in words than in filming
tp compare on 4 novel yg telah di baca
memang new moon agak x best
sbb memang kurangnyer watak Edward Cullen
so, kuranglah babak2 hawt!
nampknyer this movie kali ni ber jaya menonjolkan watak Jacob!
sgt mencuci mata ok tgk movie ni
Quilletes' boys are damn adorable (wolves pack)
owh owh owh!!!
x sabar nak tunggu Eclipse pulak!! next JUNE!!! i'm waiting!!
nice story.
ikut sebijik macam buku!
just it is more detail in words than in filming
tp compare on 4 novel yg telah di baca
memang new moon agak x best
sbb memang kurangnyer watak Edward Cullen
so, kuranglah babak2 hawt!
nampknyer this movie kali ni ber jaya menonjolkan watak Jacob!
sgt mencuci mata ok tgk movie ni
Quilletes' boys are damn adorable (wolves pack)
owh owh owh!!!
x sabar nak tunggu Eclipse pulak!! next JUNE!!! i'm waiting!!

NEXT MOVIE: THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG!! this movie got many positive reviews!
can't wait!
can't wait!

alaaa... nak tengok jugak..
just finished read d novel.. huhu
hahahaha...berbaloi la tgk cite nie..
sgt mencuci mate k..
yang..punye la i hensem...u x perasan ke?? mate u mmg juling la!!!
ayna: tgk la. best! make the reading clearer! hehe
adie: yang, pernah ke i kata u x hensem?? xde kan? ahahaha
btw, i mmng ade juling air. hahaha!
omg!!! omg!! they're vry hot!! droolingssss!!
we're focusing at the same guys!!! hah!!
yes2!!! damn hot kan2???
omaigod2! haha
suke la tu tgok body petak2
haah moon nie takbest.
boring.dok nguap2 je dlm panggung tu.
ramainyew cakap cite nieyh x besh!uhuks!!!
hot to the max!! sampai termimpi2 aku.. hua3~
hhahahah~ body expose..sape yg tak drooling..haha~ nway, sorry i wasn't there..aku kena tinggal kat umah~ seems that kena pergi tgk sendiri laaa!!!
mletop sume ahhahk! love taylorr
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