recently was reading Twilight
i'm definitely addicted to Twilight after watching the movie
Edward Cullen is so handsome.. (drooling~~)

after watching the movie
i decided to buy the novel version
already finished it!!!
guess wut??
the novel is the best!!!
at first, i want to buy all the Twilight saga
but, i'm afraid that the way Stephanie Mayer write is not suitable for me
i'm not so good in English
thus, i prefer to read a novel with simple words rather than complicated
within a week, i finish it!! !
i'm sure i can finish it in 3 days, but a lot of things happen
i bought it for RM35.50 for Twilight and RM 39.50 for New Moon at MPH
it is quite cheap for a thick novel like it

i read it immediately after i bought it! so excited oke!
so, for guys out there who love or like to make reading as a hobby
u can start with this novel
but, make sure you watch the movie first
it will make u easy to imagine when u read it afterward
a very nice, romantic and heart touching story
i grin every time i turn to the next page.. hihii =)
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.....," he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
"What a stupid lamb," I sighed.
"What a sick, masochistic lion." He stared into the shadowy forest for a long moment, and I wondered where his thought had taken him.
the way she imagine Edward was so perfect
we never see a perfect person
but, when u read this novel, ur imagination will gone wild about the idea of a perfect person
i almost trust it
and i wish, Edward Cullen will step on my door and said " I Love You"
this novel really drive me nuts!
i cant wait to finish the New Moon!!
the Twilight saga
after finished it, i will definitely rush to the MPH and buy the next saga
that is, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.