you know what....
i love to read your blog... sincerely. *with serious face
especially when i came across with someones blog that i know or recognized.
it puts a smile on your face when you know that the person is doing just great in his/her life.
great job guys!
you know what...
i just finished eating domino's pizza. nyum2
who knows that domino's tastier than pizza. especially the crust, where it is not as too thick and hard like pizza. the topping also not bad.
*promote domino's sekejap.
unfortunately, i have to let my job in Domino's call centre service go because im having hard time in juggling my work and my study at the same time where u ought to produce high quality of work. pheewww.... talk about quality :( being resourceful person is a very hard thing to do.
salute to all the master part timers who able to do these things. clap3*
(back to serious matter)
we all know that...
we have a long journey ahead...
so far.. ive passed few of checkpoints in my life.
and alhamdulilah.. i think im doing great right now. ;)
i have so many checkpoints in my list that i need to cross =)
you know what...
this is one of my checkpoint. getting a degree. checked!
i just want to thank my beloved parents, my supportive fiance, and also my awesome friends for all the support and help that have been poured towards me since the first time i step into UiTM.
i love you guys. without these supporters, im sure im not able to cross it in my checklist.
what makes it sweeter is, i passed my degree life with good and sweet memories that i will keep it safely in the bottom of my memory box. whenever im feeling bad, i will treasure those moments i had with you guys. reminiscence how great life is when u r surrounding by great and awesome people.

guys! we survived UiTM!!!

my beloved parents. ;)

my great supporter aka my fiance

my awesome fantastic 4 friends!!! i miss u guys

also all my belovedvedvedved friends!!

*sedey x dpt bergambar dgn sume kawan. ni jew adewww.. huw huw huw~~
you know what,
suddenly, it makes me realizes that, i have passed the good moments with my friends.
am i going to get friends as awesome as they are?
it is very hard to accept the fact that im letting you guys go.
someday, we all gonna grow up and having our own life, maybe getting married, have some kids and move to some parts of the world.
are we going to lose contact guys?
you know what guys...
thank you for being a part of my humble and insignificant life.
for those who getting married. congratulations and wait for me!!!!
that should be all.
forgive me if ive commit lots of grammatical mistakes. huhuhu~